House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) taking a bath...
As above...
As above...
As above - feeling so much better.
European greenfinch (Chloris chloris) ...
As above.
Common blackbird female (Turdus merula) taking a bath...
As above...
As above... "I put my right wing in, my right wing out"
As above... "my left wing in, and my left wing out"
As above... "Do the Hokey Cokey"
As above... "and turn myself about"
As above, "that's what it's all about".
With thanks to Christelle the following photos are from South Africa.
Crowned Hornbill (Lophoceros alboterminatus)...
As above.
Green Wood hoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus) previously known as a Red-billed Hoopoe feeding the young.
As above...
See also my Photodiary with lots of insects
Joining up with
Wild Bird Wednesday
I'd Rather B Birdin'
My Corner of the World